
Polymerization processes
- Tailoring polymer quality (molecular weight and thermal properties) through solid state polymerization processes (SSP): Polyamides and nanocomposites. Copolymers. Semiaromatic and aliphatic biopolyesters. Catalysts. Applications in packaging and encapsulation systems.
- Combination of enzymatic prepolymerization with solid state post polymerization towards the development of green polymerization routes
Encapsulation of active ingredients in polymeric nano/microparticles to induce functionalities (controlled release systems, self-healing properties).

Watch video demonstration (in greek) shown at the Researcher's Night 2020:
Environmental Management of Plastic Waste
- Recycling technologies of polymeric materials towards value-added products: plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and packaging materials (mechanical recycling, energy recovery).
- Properties study of biobased and biodegradable polymers.
- Preparation and study of polymer matrix nanocomposites: Polysiloxane and PLA matrix nanocomposites reinforced with fillers, such as titania, bioactive glass, hydroxyapatite, graphene and montmorillonite nanoparticles. EPDM rubber nanocomposites reinforced with graphene and carbon nanonotubes.
- Polyolefin Biocomposites: Preparation and characterization of polyolefin biocomposites containing lignocellulosic waste as reinforcement.
Preparation and Study of Polymeric Biomaterials
- Preparation of polylactic acid (PLA) scaffolds using:
- the salt leaching technique, and
- supercritical CO2 foaming method.
- Drug delivery from biodegradable polymeric carriers.
- Silicone elastomers for facial prosthesis applications
Plastic Flexible Packaging Materials
Permeability properties and accelerating ageing studies