Polymer Engineering
6th semester, School of Chemical Engineering NTUA
Details (in greek),
Course ID Sheet
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the Science and Technology of Polymers and to understand the basic concepts that govern the production and processing of these materials. Initially the polymerization processes that enable the synthesis and production of polymers are analyzed. Following is the presentation of critical physicochemical properties of polymers in solid state, in melt and in solution, with the aim to construct and optimize structure-properties relationships. Finally, there is an overview of the basic polymer processing/molding techniques that lead to the production of shaped plastic articles.

Products Design
6th Semester, School of Chemical Engineering NTUA, Details (in greek),
Course ID Sheet
The course aims to familiarize the Chemical Engineer with the background knowledge and methodology for answering the key questions: "what product should be manufactured" and "how will it be manufactured", in order to present the best economic and technical characteristics and meet the current environmental requirements and specifications. The course content provides information and knowledge on:
- Needs: Identifying consumer or customer needs and converting them into measurable product features with relevant specifications.
- Ideas: Gathering ideas that may be able to deliver the desired result to meet the needs of the consumer or customer. Evaluate concentrated ideas and select a small number of the best ones.
- Option: Detailed calculations for the best ideas (calculations refer to technical and financial figures). Choice of the idea to be realized.
- Production: Designing the industrial production of the new product (mainly processes).

Polymers Processing
8th & 10th semesters, School of Chemical Engineering NTUA
Direction: Materials, Specialization: Polymer and Composite Materials
Details (in greek), Course ID Sheet
The aim of the course is to expand and deepen students' knowledge regarding the procedures of polymers processing (modification and formulation), which aim to produce final products with pre-designed, desirable properties. In the latest section, some Case Studies on specific applications are discussed, such as biomedical polymers (drug delivery systems, scaffolds for tissue engineering, implants), plastic packaging materials etc. Laboratory practice (8 lab courses) is also offered in the area of polymer processing/modification and characterization.

Polymer Production Engineering
8th semester, School of Chemical Engineering NTUA
Direction: Materials, Specialization: Polymer and Composite Materials
Details (in greek), Course ID Sheet
The aim of the course is to extend the knowledge of the student on the polymerization processes, including recycling and upcycling approaches. At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- define the appropriate polymerization mechanism and technique for a given monomer,
- understand the relationships between polymerization parameters and polymer properties,
- calculate the molecular weight of a polymer based on the most common relevant characterization techniques,
- describe quantitatively basic polymerization processes,
- describe alternative polymerization techniques for the production of environmentally friendly polymers,
- suggest recycling technologies for different types of plastic waste.

Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Materials-Rheology
1st semester, IPP Materials Science and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering NTUA
Details (in greek)
The curriculum of the course includes some basic aspects of the rheological behavior of polymer melts, accompanied by the presentation of the most important techniques used for plastics processing (extrusion, injection, blow moulding, rotational moulding etc). Then, the course deals with various structural aspects of polymers (thermal transitions, crystallization) and their interrelations with properties, such as mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties. In the latest section, some Case Studies on specific applications are discussed, allowing the student to become familiar with the science and engineering of materials, such as biomedical polymers (drug delivery systems, scaffolds for tissue engineering, implants), plastic packaging materials etc.

Extrusion of Thermoplastic Polymers
2nd Semester, Lab Course for “Advanced Laboratory Exercises of Materials”, IPP Materials Science and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering NTUA
Details (in greek)
The students are familiarized with the most important polymer processing technique, i.e. extrusion, and are able to identify all extruder components. Basic concepts of macromolecular science (amorphous/semicrystalline polymers, glass and melting transition, melt crystallization, melt flow rate) are correlated to extruder screw design and extrusion operational parameters discussing also aspects of mechanical plastic recycling via remelting.

Polymer Technology
2nd Semester, IPP Automation Systems, School of Mechanical Engineering NTUA
Details (in greek)
The curriculum of the course includes presentation of basic topics in Polymer Technology. Starting from a short introduction to the polymerization processes, we proceed to the presentation of structure (thermal transitions, crystallization) and mechanical properties of polymers. Within this topic, an introduction to the rheological behavior of polymer melts is included, followed by the presentation of the most important plastic processing methods. In the last part, chapters such as biomedical polymers, polymer nanocomposites and plastic waste management technologies are discussed through case studies. Emphasis is given to the applications of “smart polymers” in automation systems (sensors/actuators).